![Hero image](https://www.tes.com/cdn/app-resource-store/5d51d34/img/hero.jpg)
Whole school
An end of term quiz for KS3 & 4. Must students loved it. There are famous faces rounds, a famous brands round, identify the chocolate round, a geography round and being a German teacher a German round, which can easily be deleted. I should acknowledge that I have taken ideas from other peoples' quizzes and adapted them, so thanks to those.
Hope you enjoy!
AQA German AS Speaking Exam
A way of making the prep for the Speaking Exam slightly more interesting. Snakes and Ladders pretty self-explan, Ppt doc is a battleships activity. Students work in pairs, each has a print out of the Ppt slide. Each student chooses 5 squares in which to 'place their ships&' and the objective is for their partner to guess where they have placed their ships and vice-versa. They choose a square, i.e. A1 and then have to respond to the questions with a minimum of 5 details. They take it in turns. First person to guess where their partner&';s 5 ships are wins.
Christmas Quiz 2016
I made this quiz for tutors to use during tutor time in the last week of term (designed to fill a 25 minute slot). With the exception of the Christmas TV advert round, I have begged, borrowed and stolen ideas from other contributors. Enjoy!